
What Makes LASIK Extremely Safe?

Surgery can be intimidating for some, even a minor, outpatient procedure like SoftTouch LASIK or the ZEISS SMILE procedure. Laser eye surgery is surgery; as with any surgery, you want to ensure you understand the process, risks (however small they may be) and benefits. Our talented team at Lake Lazer Eye Center takes all measures… Read More

Is Winter the Best Time for LASIK?

Could the chilly winter be the hot time for LASIK? We think so! Spring and fall offer comfortable temperatures, while summer was custom-made for recovering during vacation time. But there are favorable conditions during winter that you may not have considered. Learn why winter may be the best time for LASIK in the Detroit area…. Read More

Why Detroit Is Better After LASIK

Let’s be honest: Most people with eyeglasses and contact lenses would gladly ditch the ‘scrips if they could. Your entire world is sharper, clearer and richer when you enjoy better vision.  The most reliable way to achieve consistently good eyesight is not through artificial visual aids but through excellent natural vision, such as what our… Read More

Keep Twinkling with These Holiday Eye Safety Tips

What’s not to love about holiday togetherness? There are hugs galore, home-baked goodies, laughter, thoughtful presents, festive decorations … and did we mention the baked goodies? There’s something for all to celebrate! Let’s make sure the party ends as happily as it begins. While you’re reveling in the wonder of the holidays, keep in mind… Read More

Your 5 Detroit LASIK FAQs Answered

LASIK eye surgery holds the status of being the most successful vision correction procedure to date, has helped millions of people around the world achieve clear, crisp vision during the last 2 decades. Though it was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1999, it still inspired lots of questions from curious… Read More

5 Favorite Eye-Friendly Thanksgiving Dishes

Did you know you can tell how vision-friendly your Thanksgiving meal is by how many bright colors are on your plate? Talk about a feast for the eyes! It’s true: The same nutrients that give your holiday favorites their festive hues are the very nutrients that keep your eyes healthy and working properly. The trick… Read More

The Benefits of All-Laser, SoftTouch LASIK

We live in interesting times. In addition to the breathless array of choices consumers have every day, we also have plenty of options when it comes to our health. That includes which vision correction approach is ideal for those of us who rely on glasses and contacts. If you’re looking to ditch your daily dependency… Read More

Spooky Ways Halloween Could Harm Your Eyes

For those with a penchant for the paranormal, the urge to go next-level creepy with their Halloween costume is an irresistible force. After all, once you’ve spent hours replicating the ravages of zombie rot, what could be spookier than giving your eyes the milky-blue stare of the undead? But there could be scary consequences from… Read More

Is LASIK Worth the Cost? The Answer May Surprise You

According to statistics from the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), Americans spend more than $15 billion each year on corrective eyewear such as eyeglasses and contact lenses to compensate for refractive errors with their vision. Prescription changes, replacement glasses/contacts and the inconvenience of maintaining those corrective lenses have led millions of people to explore permanent… Read More

COVID-Inspired Hygiene Rules You Should Keep

During the COVID-19 global pandemic the world learned a great deal about how infections spread and mutate, and ways we can protect each other from the spread of disease. While temporary disease mitigation efforts such as constant masking and social distancing will eventually ease up, some healthy habits are worth continuing. Here are our favorite… Read More

