
Cost of LASIK in Detroit: What Can You Expect to Invest?

Asking “How much does Detroit LASIK cost?” is a little like asking “How much does a car cost?” It depends on the vehicle make, model, year, trim level and options, not to mention what sellers may charge from one region, state, city or individual dealership to another. Here, we’ll discuss the price range for LASIK… Read More

Why So Many People “Spring Forward” Into LASIK

Ah, the temperate spring! Birds are chirping, grass and flowers are emerging, and we can comfortably take to the great outdoors in short sleeves. If you’re considering trading the glasses and contacts for SoftTouch LASIK or the SMILE procedure in 2023, now might be the perfect time to make the switch. There is ongoing debate… Read More

Am I a Good Candidate for LASIK?

LASIK is an extremely safe, effective and popular, laser-guided vision correction procedure that is used to fix a variety of vision problems. Perhaps you’re in search of a Detroit LASIK provider to find out if you’re a good candidate for treatment. Poor eyesight isn’t the only qualification for LASIK. An eye surgeon will need to… Read More

What Makes LASIK Extremely Safe?

Surgery can be intimidating for some, even a minor, outpatient procedure like SoftTouch LASIK or the ZEISS SMILE procedure. Laser eye surgery is surgery; as with any surgery, you want to ensure you understand the process, risks (however small they may be) and benefits. Our talented team at Lake Lazer Eye Center takes all measures… Read More

Why Detroit Is Better After LASIK

Let’s be honest: Most people with eyeglasses and contact lenses would gladly ditch the ‘scrips if they could. Your entire world is sharper, clearer and richer when you enjoy better vision.  The most reliable way to achieve consistently good eyesight is not through artificial visual aids but through excellent natural vision, such as what our… Read More

Your 5 Detroit LASIK FAQs Answered

LASIK eye surgery holds the status of being the most successful vision correction procedure to date, has helped millions of people around the world achieve clear, crisp vision during the last 2 decades. Though it was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1999, it still inspired lots of questions from curious… Read More

Are Your Eyes Ready for Some Football?

We’re getting closer to a new season of crisp air, seasonal clothes and outdoor adventures. No, not just fall—football season! Whether you’re taking the field or taking a seat in the stands, you don’t want to miss one bit of the glorious action. That means making sure your vision is up to the task. If… Read More

Prep Your Vision for the New School Year

Whether you’re returning to school this fall as an educator, staffer or a student, you’ll want to make sure everyone’s ready for the most comfortable, productive experience possible. This is especially important for students who spend their day absorbed in a visual learning environment, and for the educators who rely on certain tools to teach…. Read More

Sports Eye Safety Month: Sports That Are Better After LASIK

With spring in full swing, it’s time to hit the greens, the trails, the lakes and the lots in pursuit of healthy competition. For the sports-lover, there’s no time like now to indulge favorite pastimes. Know that anything you enjoy with glasses and contact lenses is a thousand times more fun without them—provided you’re without… Read More

Watersports Enthusiast’s Life After LASIK: ‘It’s an Amazing Feeling’

When Jake Wilson stepped into Dr. Shabbir Khambati’s office for an eye evaluation, he set his hopes high and expectations low. He’d spent the majority of his 34 years in thick eyeglasses and annoying contact lenses and suspected he’d be a hard case due to his tough prescription. “My glasses were so thick, I was… Read More

