
Sports Eye Safety Month: Sports That Are Better After LASIK

With spring in full swing, it’s time to hit the greens, the trails, the lakes and the lots in pursuit of healthy competition. For the sports-lover, there’s no time like now to indulge favorite pastimes. Know that anything you enjoy with glasses and contact lenses is a thousand times more fun without them—provided you’re without… Read More

Watersports Enthusiast’s Life After LASIK: ‘It’s an Amazing Feeling’

When Jake Wilson stepped into Dr. Shabbir Khambati’s office for an eye evaluation, he set his hopes high and expectations low. He’d spent the majority of his 34 years in thick eyeglasses and annoying contact lenses and suspected he’d be a hard case due to his tough prescription. “My glasses were so thick, I was… Read More

4 Facts You May Not Know About Astigmatism

More than a third of Americans are affected by astigmatism, which occurs when the cornea, or lens, of the eye is misshapen, causing light to focus incorrectly on the retina. Although most cases are so mild that no corrective action is necessary, others cause blurry vision, poor depth perception, distortion, eye strain and sometimes headaches…. Read More

The Top 3 Patient Concerns about LASIK

Fear of the unknown keeps many people from potentially life-changing decisions, and this is no less true of the decision to fix your bad vision through LASIK. Eye surgery can be intimidating when you don’t know what to expect, so we’re going to lift the veil on the whole thing.  Here are the 3 most… Read More

What Is the Best Time of Year to Get LASIK?

Winter, spring, summer or fall? Which season is best for LASIK? While the greening of spring or a summer vacation might feel like great times for a vision refresh, do you really want to wait to get out of those glasses or contact lenses? You’re in luck. It just so happens that winter is the… Read More

How (and Why) to Pay for LASIK

Lake Lazer Eye Center has been fortunate to help many patients with cataracts, presbyopia (loss of reading vision), myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism achieve better vision. Once we examine a patient’s eyes and identify a treatment path, vision correction is usually a matter of prescribing the appropriate glasses or contacts, or permanent correction with… Read More

LASIK Cost Versus a Lifetime of Glasses and Contacts

Many patients exploring laser vision correction are sometimes daunted by the price tag, but what they may not know is how much they pay for those relatively “cheap” glasses and contacts over the course of a lifetime. We thought it would be helpful to get some perspective on LASIK cost compared to a lifetime of… Read More

