Butt Out! 5 Ways Cigarette Smoke Negatively Affects Your Eyes

More than 34 million adults in the United States are addicted to cigarettes, and it often has a detrimental effect on health. In fact, for roughly half of smokers, the habit causes cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases and other health complications. 

The harm doesn’t stop there: As if heart and lung diseases weren’t bad enough, smoking can also cause or accelerate damage to your eyes. Here are the top 5 ways smoking is bad for your vision.

Is smoking bad for eyesight?

Smoking causes oxidative stress that can be harmful to your eye health. The neurotoxins in cigarettes damage the retina and optic nerve, causing a number of complications, including dry eyes, glaucoma and macular degeneration.

If you smoke and are having trouble quitting, get help from a smoking cessation program. Talk to your eye doctor about how you can protect your eyes from cigarette smoke damage.

Lake Lazer Eye Center offers up-front pricing, and convenient and affordable payment plans for SoftTouch LASIK and the SMILE procedure. Dr. Khambati has helped thousands of people from all over the world escape the restrictions of glasses and contacts. In the event that you’re not a candidate for vision correction, we’ll assist you with a contact lens evaluation or a selection of designer and specialty eyewear.


Lake Lazer Eye Center

