
8 Ways to Get Diabetes Under Control Before LASIK

One of the most common complications of diabetes is diabetic retinopathy, a condition that damages the blood vessels in the retina and can lead to vision loss. Diabetic retinopathy can also affect your eligibility for LASIK surgery, a popular procedure that corrects refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. If you have diabetes and… Read More

Eye Spy 5 Frightening Contact Lens Facts

If you are thinking of wearing contact lenses to spice up your Halloween costume this year, think twice. Contact lenses are medical devices that require proper fitting and care. Using them without a prescription or proper hygiene can lead to serious eye infections or even blindness.  Even prescription contacts can cause these complications, but non-prescription… Read More

Healthy Aging Eye Month: What to Know About Vision as We Age

Your eyes are amazing! They can detect colors, shapes, light, movements and even emotions. They help you learn, work, play and enjoy life. But they also need some TLC to remain healthy and prevent problems like glaucoma, macular degeneration and dry eye syndrome.  That’s why September’s Healthy Aging Eye Month is so important. It reminds… Read More

5 Things Teachers Can Do to Help Students Excel

As a teacher or a parent, you want your students to achieve their academic goals and become lifelong learners. But how can you help them succeed in the classroom and beyond?  In honor of National School Success Month, here are some reminders of strategies you can use to support your students’ learning and motivation. Feedback… Read More

Could You Have Contact Lens Intolerance? What It Is and What to Do About It

There are an estimated 41 million people in the United States who use contact lenses for temporary vision correction – and many of them have known the pain of CLI. CLI is Contact Lens Intolerance, and it’s no joke. If you want to avoid this painful condition, read on to learn what it is, how… Read More

5 Benefits of Summer LASIK

Not sure if you’re ready for LASIK just yet? Now might be the ideal time to take the plunge: The weather is reasonable; you may have time off; and LASIK in Detroit now means optimal visual results before the warmer months end. Here are five ways LASIK could benefit you for the rest of the… Read More

6 Ways Sunshine Can Damage Eyes (and What to Do About It)

“Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy …” John Denver was on to something when he penned those soothing lyrics. A daily dose of natural light lifts mood, boosts alertness and helps our bodies produce the vitamin D we need to stave off the aging process. It’s essential to a better quality of life. But… Read More

Celebrate Freedom … from Glasses and Contacts

As you celebrate America’s birthday, why not get yourself a present? The gift of freedom from contacts and glasses. The confidence and peace of mind that come with good vision are liberating. If you’re chained to bulky prescription eyeglasses and the taxing responsibility of contact lenses, exercise the unalienable right to better sight. Here are… Read More

5 Reasons to Graduate from Contact Lenses to LASIK

They say glasses make you look smart. Perhaps contact lenses make you feel smart. With LASIK, however, you are smart. There are many reasons why LASIK represents a brilliant vision correction choice for those seeking higher learning – but we’ll just give you the Cliff notes here. As high school grads head off for higher… Read More

Blurred Lines: Is It a Refractive Error or Cataract?

It’s a staggering figure: According to the Academy of Ophthalmology, there are nearly 25 million people in the United States with cataracts right now. In fact, about half of all adults will have cataracts by the age of 75.  June is Cataract Awareness Month, when eye professionals focus on educating patients on the risks, symptoms… Read More

