What’s not to love about holiday togetherness? There are hugs galore, home-baked goodies, laughter, thoughtful presents, festive decorations … and did we mention the baked goodies? There’s something for all to celebrate!
Let’s make sure the party ends as happily as it begins. While you’re reveling in the wonder of the holidays, keep in mind a few simple rules to help keep you and your loved ones—and all those eyes—as healthy as can be.
- Stay home when sick. No one wants to miss face time with the fam over the holidays. But with the flu, strep, COVID-19 and other crummy contagions making the rounds in winter, this is one time you don’t want to share. If you experience a fever, chills, body aches, sore throat, sniffles or other symptoms of illness, stay home. You can join the festivities virtually via Zoom, FaceTime, Google Meet or some other videoconferencing app until you’re certain you can’t get anyone else sick.
- Cook with caution. While you’re gathered with everyone, follow a few simple cooking guidelines to keep the food and your eyes safe.
- Don’t rub your eyes. This not only keeps you from irritating your eye with rubbing, but also prevents you from introducing contaminants to your eye, or from you eye to others.
- Wash hands often. That means washing before and after handling meats and vegetables to prevent cross-contamination, and before and after taste-testing your dish.
- Moderate alcohol consumption. Excessive drinking isn’t a healthy habit in any way; booze is damaging to the tissues of the body, including the eye over the long term. In the short term, one drink too many contributes to falls that could injure you or your eyes. Alternate your adult drinks with fresh water and cut yourself off at three alcoholic drinks in total. As always, have a designated driver if you’re traveling.
- Gift thoughtfully. Choose age-appropriate gifts for every member of the family. Use the age range suggested on the packaging as your guide when selecting toys for children. This will help ensure that toys with projectiles or removable parts pose less of a risk for injury and choking with small children.
- Clear the floor. Remember to keep your debris field as clear as possible as gifts are unwrapped. Loose wrapping paper and plastic can easily slide underfoot, creating dangerous trip hazards.
- Give everyone’s eyes a break. Television sets, smartphones, gaming devices, tablets and laptops are popular gifts for pretty much every member of the family—but that doesn’t mean everyone should have their heads buried in an electronic device for hours on end! To get the most togetherness—and prevent dry eye and visual strain—limit screen time to 15 minutes in any given hour.
These easy precautions should help everyone in your circles a little happier, healthier and brighter for all the celebrations.
From all of us at Lake Lazer Eye Center, have a safe and joyous holiday season!
Lake Lazer Eye Center is the Detroit LASIK provider that offers convenient and affordable payment plans for SoftTouch LASIK and the ZEISS SMILE procedure, and Dr. Khambati has helped thousands of people from all over the world escape the restrictions of glasses and contacts. In the event that you’re not a candidate for vision correction, we’ll assist you with a contact lens evaluation or a selection of designer and specialty eyewear.