It seems the coronavirus has us all reassessing our health and quality of life. With concerns surrounding the spread of germs with contact lenses, as well as frustration from foggy masks, many are turning to LASIK and LASIK alternatives (like the ZEISS SMILE procedure) for vision correction. Still, many of our patients have questions about what, if any, role laser eye surgery plays in their overall risk of contracting COVID-19.
Let us put your mind at ease: There is no evidence of any connection between LASIK and COVID-19. Both the surgical staff and patients can take active steps to maintain an environment that is clean, safe and welcoming.
Lake Lazer Eye Center has always been fastidious about sanitizing the surgical area and equipment before and after each procedure, and we’re giving our reception and waiting areas additional attention. We’ve taken steps to sanitize surfaces between patient visits, and to ensure our patients can maintain proper social distance to prevent spreading the virus.
You can play an important role in your safety during your procedure too:
Wear freshly washed clothing to your appointment, just as you are often instructed to do for other outpatient procedures.
Do a self-assessment: Take your temperature (it should be under 100 degrees), note any flu-like symptoms you’re experiencing, and take note of recent activities that could put you at risk (large gatherings, interstate or out-of-country travel, or contact with anyone who has the virus or was exposed to it). If you are unsure whether your symptoms or recent activities constitute a coronavirus risk, call our office and we’ll gladly help you determine your next steps.
Come only with the person who will drive you home after your procedure. If possible, have them drop you off before and pick you up after.
Wear a mask and maintain at least 6 feet social distance. Our staff will assist you with the social distancing in our office and will provide you a mask if you forgot one.
Together, we can make your visit to Lake Lazer a safe and enjoyable experience. In fact, it’s possible that reducing or eliminating your dependence on glasses and contact lenses could also reduce your risk of Coronavirus infection!
It makes sense when you think about it. You could say goodbye to contact lenses, along with the risk of introducing the virus into the mucus membranes of your eye. If you wear eyeglasses, you will likely spend less time pushing up your specs and adjusting your mask to fight fog, thus greatly reducing the number of times you touch your face. At the very least, your freedom from glasses means freedom from mask fog!
Lake Lazer Eye Center is here to help you enjoy life with crisp, clear, natural vision. Start your journey with a thorough eye exam to find out if you’re a candidate for permanent vision correction. Call (586) 792-3891 or book online at USeeMore.com.