Vision Correction Services

Vision Correction Provider Checklist

The decision to have laser or surgical vision correction is an important one that you should make carefully, not quickly. Choose a practice that focuses on safety, diagnostic technology, post-operative follow-up. Obviously, the experience of the surgeon is extremely important as well. We hope you will choose Lake Lazer Eye Center as your provider, but if you’re shopping around, use this checklist to compare.

Does the surgeon perform at least 1,000 vision procedures per year? Yes or No

Does the surgeon use an Intralase laser to perform Intralasik? Yes or No

Does the surgeon use FDA-approved customized lasers, such as Zeiss Mel 80, Zeiss VisuMax, Visx Star S4 and Intralase FS laser? Yes or No

Does the center use wavefront analysis to take measurements of the eye pre-operatively or post-operatively? Yes or No

Does the center have access to multiple lasers and non-laser technologies to allow the surgeon to choose the best treatment method for each patient? Yes or No

Does the center measure the size of the patient’s pupils in order to ensure the appropriate treatment zone is used to avoid post-operative side effects? Yes or No

Does the practice test for dry eye before the procedure? Yes or No

Does the surgeon use powderless gloves? (Many doctors do not wear gloves to save money). Yes or No

Does the center sterilize all the instruments for each eye and use a separate blade (in traditional LASIK) for each eye? (Another cost savings step that is not as safe.) Yes or No

Does the center take the time to explain complex issues such as monovision and presbyopia and how they will affect your vision after age 40?  Yes or No

